Google Business Profile Image & Video Size Cheat Sheet
Google Business Profile Image & Video Size Cheat Sheet
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, here are the recommended sizes for images and videos on Google My Business (now known as Google Business Profile). Please verify this information with the most current Google resources, as specifications may have changed.
**Profile Image:**
– Minimum: 250 x 250 pixels
– Maximum: 5000 x 5000 pixels
– Format: JPG or PNG
**Cover Photo:**
– Minimum: 1024 x 576 pixels
– Maximum: 4096 x 2304 pixels
– Format: JPG or PNG
**Business Photos:**
– Minimum: 250 x 250 pixels
– Maximum: 5000 x 5000 pixels
– Format: JPG or PNG
– Duration: Up to 30 seconds long
– File size: Up to 100 MB
– Quality: 720p or higher
Again, I recommend checking Google’s most recent guidelines for accurate and updated information.
What are the Types of Google My Business Photos?
Google My Business, now known as Google Business Profile, allows businesses to upload various photos to provide customers with a virtual tour of their business. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, here are the types of photos you can upload:
1. **Profile Photo:** This represents your business on Google. It can be a logo or an image that customers associate with your business. This Photo will be shown when you reply to reviews or post new photos.
2. **Cover Photo:** This featured Photo represents your business. It should showcase the personality of your business.
3. **Business Photos:** Include additional photos of your business, services, products, etc. They can show the inside and outside of your business, the staff at work, customers at your location, etc.
4. **Logo:** If you have a well-recognized logo, you can add it. This would appear at the top of your Google Business Profile.
5. **360 Photos:** If applicable, you can provide a virtual tour of your business or show off your business location’s layout, decor, and ambiance with 360-degree photos.
6. **Videos:** You can also upload short videos to your Google Business Profile to give potential customers a richer view of your business.
Each photo type helps provide potential customers with more context about your business. The more high-quality photos you can provide, the better, as it helps customers feel more confident in their decision to patronize your business.
Please note Google may have updated the types of photos you can upload to your Google Business Profile after my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Always check the most recent guidelines provided by Google.
How to Add All Other Google My Business Photos
Adding photos to your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is straightforward. Here are the steps:
1. **Sign In to Google My Business:** First, sign in to your Google My Business account. If you have multiple locations, select the location you wish to manage.
2. **Photos Section:** Select ” Photos from the menu.”
3. **Add Photos:** At this point, you’ll have several categories to choose from, depending on what type of Photo you want to add.
– **Profile Photo:** Click on “Profile” to add or change your Photo.
– **Logo:** Click “Logo” to add or change your logo.
– **Cover Photo:** Click on “Cover” to add or change your cover photo.
– **Additional Photos:** Click on “Add Photos” or “By Owner” to add more photos of your business. This can include photos of the interior, exterior, at work, team, and more.
4. **Upload Photos:** Once you’ve selected a category, click on the “+ Add Photos” button or the camera icon, and then choose the photo file from your device to upload.
5. **Follow Guidelines:** Make sure your photos meet Google’s photo guidelines for format and size. For most photos, the file size should be between 10KB and 5MB, the minimum resolution should be 720 px tall and 720 px wide, and the Photo should be in JPG or PNG format.
6. **Submit Photos:** Once you’ve selected your photos, click the “Upload” or “Open” button to submit them.
7. **Repeat the Process:** You can repeat this process to add as many photos as you’d like in each category.
The changes might take some time to appear publicly, so don’t worry if your photos don’t show up immediately. Google reviews all images before they’re published to ensure they meet their guidelines.
Also, note that as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, these are the steps to add photos to your Google Business Profile. Google may have made updates or changes to the process after that date. Always check the most recent guidelines provided by Google.
Can You Delete Photos from Google My Business?
Yes, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, you can delete photos uploaded to your Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business). Here’s how:
1. **Sign In to Google My Business:** First, sign in to your Google My Business account. If you have multiple locations, select the location you wish to manage.
2. **Photos Section:** Click ” Photos ” From the menu.”
3. **Select Photo:** Select the Photo you want to delete.
4. **Delete Photo:** Click on the trash bin or delete icon (usually in the top right corner) to delete the Photo.
Please note that you can only delete photos that you’ve uploaded. Suppose a customer has uploaded a photo that you believe is inappropriate or does not represent your business accurately. In that case, you can report the Photo to Google and request it be removed.
Also, remember that changes may take time to reflect. Google may need some time to process the request.
This information is accurate as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Google’s features and processes may have changed since then, so always refer to the most recent guidelines provided by Google.